Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Currently; emotions surging and overcome with intense motivation!

I want to do LAW!
(even if it means the only means of achieving this is transferring to a shit uni cos of my shit marks)

Going to tank next semester as HARD as I can- at ALL costs! Even if it means never going out or quitting my job!

Wish I had this sudden intense motivation earlier.

I wonder if this is just a fleeting feeling or I have actually come to some sort of realization? Regardless, I feel pumped right now!!


Sunday, June 13, 2010


Currently at the state library alone, been here for quite a while actually..

Solitary confinement (Y)

Anyway got distracted by someone,.. ultimately stumbling upon your page..

I miss you, missing what we were once.. I feel like I can know so much about you yet be so distant from you.. this feeling is so saddening.

Time can change so much.

Wow been listening to this song on repeat for a few hours now O.O; Forever- Chris Brown

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Haven't blogged in a while- ages actually.. don't know why.. perhaps I didn't find the motivation? Is it only inspiration that drives us to do something? I don't know... but something overcame me yesterday...-realization..this is it.. like someone took a part of me.. just tore it into shreds.. and im standing there.. looking at the pieces on the floor.. of what's become.. of what's left.. nothing but a still photograph.. as you fade into the background of their lives..

Always looking back.. why?

Staring at my own reflection in the mirror, a sunken feeling at the pit of my stomach.. Cliche as it sounds, I do wonder..who stares back at me? Why am i this way? Why do I always find sadness ..Why do i see sadness in everything I do.. Seems like i'm living by a set of rules i'm desperately trying to unwrite..But i'm trying to run, I honestly am... These feelings do suppress me..overwhelm me at times..

I'm constantly refreshing the page just to find indication? Hidden behind the safety of a screen, staring at a piece..

I'm always trying to please, impress.. but who am i fooling? Constantly telling myself that i'm living a lie..

I do find moments of clarity at times, when I'm hanging out with friends.. people I admire.. people who give me laughter.. thoughts contained...emotions neutral at times like these..

love you guys <3
Vision's hazy, path is unclear, thoughts flailing.. watching days pass, hoping that conceptions will change with time.. so that I will find strength and a sense of content..

Sorry about the nonsensical surge of thoughts..